Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Date night/day :)

A few weeks ago Kevin and I got to do the very rare...we went on a date!

Having two kiddos and insanely busy schedules sometimes makes it hard for us to find chances to just spend time together. So on this day we decided to let my parents watch the girls and we "hit the town"! After much debate on where exactly we should go (I mean come on folks these dates are few and far between, we should have just hopped a plane to an island!!! Since we never know when we will get our much adored alone time together) But we settled on our favorite vegetarian restaurant, and piled our plates high with organic veggies...MMMMM!!!

It was good to sit and talk about things other than bills,money,kids,work,things that need to be fixed,money,time management,did I mention money? Yeah it was nice to have a break from all that stuff! Kevin and I truly do not have a perfect relationship, we fight HARD, and we love HARDER , I'm surely not trying to paint a perfect picture of our relationship on here, but I am emphasizing that we do love each other and despite of our down times we are committed to trying our best to make this work. And one sure way for this is every now and then sneaking off for quick dates together to remind ourselves how great it is to not have to be so responsible and just be in love.:)

So, after we devoured our salads and pastas and had lovely conversation, we decided to head to the book store.

Kevin hunted through the stacks of pretty books and I settled on glossy copies of art and fashion magazines.

We soon decided we wanted to get in some retail therapy so we headed to our favorite thrift store. Kevin got army pants and a shirt,and I got this cute skirt and belt:)

All in all it was a good simple all this talk about dating makes me want to go on another one, with Mr. K...hmmm maybe I'll ask him out for Saturday?! (Let me check my schedule) ;)

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adrienne K.