Thursday, September 10, 2009

pouring colors,pouring rain

Sunday the sky started to darken,the wind began to blow,the weather man was on the television warning us of a storm coming our way.

While the rain,thunder,lightning, and wind swirled all around us outside,we were all cozy inside. The girls and I set up a blanket,got out our family drawing pad, and made pouring drops,swirls,swishes,and dabs,of color.

There is something oh so magical about an end of summer thunder storm,and something even more magical about a child's art work.

I truly love the time I spend coloring,drawing,painting and creating with the girls.Each work they create I value as a mini masterpiece.We don't just hang pictures the girls have made on the fridge or a bulletin board,I've gone as far as framing several of their pieces of artwork,and I switch the pictures according to season or as the mood fits.

As summer draws to an end,I look forward to cool, crisp, fall days and chilly winter days,spent indoors creating more art with the girls and Kevin.

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adrienne K.